Çerez Örnek





Ege University 18th International Cultural Studies Symposium

Ageing, Surviving and Longevity

May 25-27, 2022

One of the primary impulses of human beings since the beginning of culturalisation process is to unravel the mystery behind the inevitable end of all living organisms, death.  So far, the mystery still stands adamantly; however, surviving, the motivation behind the creation of culture and civilisation, as long and healthy as possible has become the most important focal point. With the emergence of the industrial cultures, this urge for leading a long and healthy life intensified to a level that has never been addressed due to the progressive attitude of human being. The emergence of the bourgeois class and the improving living conditions of the few in the society ignited the tendency to lead a long and healthy life and age accordingly. This constant craving for immortal presence and anti-aging has gained momentum and ended up with certain blessings and catastrophes in the modernised world. This process has also led to the flourishment of a new area of study that is in relation with not only social & behavioural sciences and humanities, but also medicine and natural sciences.

In spite of the vital nature of the situation and long history of the term gerontology, ageing has not been dealt with as a separate phenomenon inclusively in the framework of humanities until the 1990s when Margaret M. Gullette refers to the experience of ageing in terms of societal, cultural and individual aspects as age studies. Gullette’s book, entitled Aged by Culture (2004) is regarded as one of the first works pondering the social and psychological aspects of ageing thoroughly. Scholars such as Kathleen Woodward, Anne Marbury Wyatt-Brown, Renée Lynn Beard, Jaber F. Gubrium, Valerie Lipscomb, Aagje Swinnen, and Margery Vibe Skagen are among the ones who have been not only working on the subject, but also putting efforts on institutionalising the area through foundation of academic journals and associations.

This symposium aims to scrutinize ageing, surviving, and longevity in the scope of cultural studies. We expect to touch upon following topics, along with the ones you find related and thus gather academics from diverse disciplines within the frame of cultural studies and achieve inter/multidisciplinary discussions that will lead to fruitful works and starting points for new research in the future. 

* Literary representations in imaginative texts

* Approaches in medicine in various cultures

* Translation studies

* Linguistics

* Approaches in natural sciences

* Cultural perspectives of gerontology and literary gerontology

* Representations in visual and performance arts and music, etc.

* Cinematographic and textual representations

* Language teaching

* Bioesthetics, medical aesthetics, cosmetology

* Philosophical, psychological and sociological aspects

* Pharmacology

* Agricultural politics

* Social media

* Discourses in television, journalism, advertising, public relations and publishing

* Forensics

* Different approaches in history, geography and demography

* Ecological perspectives

* Law

* Economics and/ of ageing, survival and longevity

* Anthropology and archaeology

* Technology and (politics of) ageing, surviving and longevity

* Gender / LGBTIQ+  

* Ageing, survival and longevity through Pandemics and/or Epidemics

* Disability

* Environmental gerontology

* Body politics

* Ageing, survival and longevity in the Anthropocene

* Bionics

* Ethnicity

* (Bio)Ethics

* Ageing, survival and longevity in a time venerating youth

* Urban planning / architecture /interior design

* Sports science


Please send your individual / panel proposals around 300 words, along with the title of your presentation  and affiliation, and a short bio by January, 10 2022 to egecss2022@gmail.com

·         After the symposium, selected articles will be published in an international publishing house.


Registration Information:

Regular participants: Graduate students:
 450 ₺   350 ₺
   45 €   35 €
   50 $    40 $

Due date: April 15, 2022

Bank Accounts:

Bank: QNB Finansbank

Branch: ENPARA

TRY:       Önder Çetin

                TR70 0011 1000 0000 0104 4849 32

Euro:     Önder Çetin

                TR57 0011 1000 0000 0094 1233 35

                Account #: 94123335

                Branch Name and Code: ENPARA – 03663

                SWIFT Code: FNNBTRISXXX

USD:      Önder Çetin

                TR40 0011 1000 0000 0094 1232 53

                Account #: 94123253

                Branch Name and Code: ENPARA – 03663

                SWIFT Code: FNNBTRISXXX


Symposium Venue: Ege University, Faculty of Letters

Symposium Coordinators:    Dr. Funda Civelekoğlu

             Dr. Önder Çetin

Ege University, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Language and Literature

Symposium Website: http://www.css.ege.edu.tr

E-mail: egecss2022@gmail.com

Twitter: @EgeCss2022

Instagram: @egecss2022

Facebook: Ege CSS


ORGANIZERS: Ege University, Department of English Language and Literature, Department of American Culture and Literature